In recognition of the rich history of the City of Dana Point, the City adopted a historical preservation ordinance in 2001. The Historic Resources Ordinance establishes a voluntary program for property owners of historically significant structures to be included on the City of Dana Point Historic Resource Register. Inclusion on the Register makes available fiscal benefits and zoning and/or zoning and building code incentives to preserve the historical exterior aspects of their properties.

- Application of the State Historical Building Code
- Fee Waivers
- Development Standard Flexibility
- Mills Act Contracts
- Preservation Easements
- Official Recognition/Awards
RESOURCES: Historic Resources Ordinance – Dana Point Municipal Code Section 9.07.250 City’s Historic Resources Program Brochure (PDF) Mills Act Program Brochure (PDF) Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation Information Sheet (PDF) National Park Service, U. S. Department of Interior Website – Preservation Brief (Link) Historic Architectural Resources Inventory (Link) Dana Point Historic Inventory and Designated Structures (PDF) Historic Resource Application (PDF) |